HUniverse Wiki

How this works. There are 8 categories. Each has a list of power Ranking from 0 to 8. As a creator you can grade your hero(s) by power and ability.

Energy Projection:

0 No energy at all. Person maybe dead or the undead
1 No energy Projection
2 Ability to give off energy when touching a surface that has Mass. Charging limitless.
3 Ability to give off low levels of energy for a short period of time: .001 to 1 second.
4 Ability to give off low levels of energy for along period of time: 1 second to 5 minutes
5 Ability to give off high level of energy for a short period of time: .001 to 1 second
6 Ability to give off high levels of energy for a long period of time: 1 second to a few years
7 Ability to give off high and low energy for up to billions if not trillions of years
8 God Like. no end in sight


0 Mindless. Vegetative State
1 Below average
2 Normal. Average
3 Above Average
4 High Intelligance
5 Superior Intelligence
6 Genius
7 Super Genius
8 God Like: All Knowing


0 Person may be dead or cannot lift oneself
1 Cannot pick up no more than 10 pounds
2 Average Human Strength 0 - 120 lbs.
3 Above Average.: 0 - 500 lbs.
4 Able to pick up objects 500 - 10 tons
5 Able to pick up objects 10 ton to 100
6 Able to pick up objects 100 tons to 50,000+ tons
7 Able to pick up objects 50,000 to 1,000,000 tons
8 God like: able to pick up any object


0 Person maybe dead or cannot move oneself
1 can hardly move oneself
2 Average movement for someone normal
3 Above average: Athletes
4 Flexible: Gymnastics
5 hyper Flexible: move body parts like no other
6 ones bones are also flexible.
7 Fluid-like.
8 God Like: Able to fit, move and get anywhere with ease


0 Hardly No movement: Almost Absolute Zero
1 Below average speed: 0.0000001 to 1 mph
2 Average Speed: 0 - 15
3 Above Average: 0 - 100 mph
4 0 - the speed of sound
5 0 - half the speed of light
6 0 - 99.99% the speed of light
7 Quantum Speed, (warping Space between two objects)
8 God Like: Able to get from a to b in under a second no matter the distance, (God Travel or God Speed)


0 Can not withstand hardy anything. Unstable
1 Can easily be knocked down. or destroyed
2 Able to withstand very minor hits like a normal persons punch or kick. minor falls.
3 Able to withstand being hit by a car. bike
4 Able to withstand being hit by a bus or truck, bullet proof. average bombs, samurai sword
5 Able to withstand being hit by two trains, a tank, armor piercing bullets or a nuclear bomb
6 Able to withstand bombs up to 1000 mega tons per second. (sun's surface)
7 Able to withstand heat from the sun's core to the power of a neutron star.
8 God like: can move through a black hole without Harm.

Fighting Ability:

0 Cannot fight or have the ability to fight
1 Below average fighter: no fighting ability but can punch or kick without skill
2 Average fighter: Basic fighting. white belt
3 Above average fighter. up to brown belt. A Street fighter.
4 Advance fighter: 1st degree black belt. MMA.
5 Semi Master: Knows almost everything about their style
6 Master: has mastered their fighting style
7 Grand Master: has mastered a few fighting styles
8 God like: Knows every style spanning the universe.

Mental Power:

0 Unable to Dream or think. This person maybe dead or in a Vegetative State
1 Unable to move objects or read minds
2 Able to see visions. Maybe be able to move objects. Might be able to read minds.
3 Able to see vivid visions, Read other peoples minds or move very Small objects for a short period of time
4 Able to see vivid visions, Read other peoples minds or move very small objects for a long period of time. Able to do mathematics quickly
5 Able to live visions, talk to people minds or move large objects for a short period of time.
6 Able to live visions, Talk to people minds or move large objects for a long period of time.
7 Able to take over another person body. Able to share a body while both

are conscience. Able to move Large objects from a great distance. ( destroy and even create objects by pulling on particles, atoms and/or molecules....this is known as magic to some )

8 God like. Able to move, create, and destroy objects at any size.

Able to give a person the power of a god.

Able to know the future before it happens.( unlike visions that can possibly change, this future will happen.) ( destroy and even create objects by pulling on energy, particles, atoms and/or molecules....this is known as magic to some )


0 No energy or fuel to continue fighting.
1 Almost no energy or fuel. can hardly stay up for another minute to a hour.
2 Can Stay up and fight for up to 14 hours
3 Can Stay up and fight for up to a day
4 Can stay up and fight for up to 2 day
5 Can stay up and fight for up to a week
6 Can stay up and fight for up to a month
7 Can stay up and fight so long as there is energy
8 God Like: Can stay up and fight until the end of time

Attack Power:

1: Can cause little harm to others. Like a baby hitting anything; or can be a ghost type.

2: Can cause harm as an average human with or without melee weapons.

3: Can cause harm as a skilled or advanced human with or without melee weapons.  A fighter with skills and power behind each offensive attack.

4: Can cause harm to structures like brick walls or dent steel. Can kill an average person with a single blow.  

5: Can cause harm to tanks or mechs. Can put craters or holes in mountains.

6: Can destroy just about any man made structures with a few hits. Punch or kick objects through mountains or deep earth.

7: Can destroy both natural and man made structures with ease.  Possibly even with a single hit.

8: Able to destroy any known matter with no problems