The Black Dawn, the Destroyer of Gods, is a device created by the Elder Gods. It was used by the Gods of Olympus to destroy their father Cronos, King of the Titans (although he later reformed outside the universe of his origin as the multiversal Energize entity).
During the Energize: Hunted story arc, Angelblood was sent to investigate Energize and determine if the Black Dawn should be used on him.
Energize was captured and taken into the Black Dawn, but Angelblood determined his innocence and freed him.
Titan then activated the Black Dawn for use on Nemesis (in the process of transitioning to Stormfront) as Energize and the Heroes Unite Initiative team attempted to capture him. Energize teleported Titan and everyone in the nearby metropolitan area to a safe distance.
Energize and Nemesis were caught at ground zero. Energize's host, Michael Callahan was killed while Nemesis was rendered powerless. The Energize entity was dissipated and has yet to reform.
Angelblood, who had entered the area just as the Black Dawn activated, was stripped of much of her Celestial power and rendered mortal.
The Black Dawn will feature in the new Energize Unleashed story.